About this Kid

Birth Year: 2006
Child ID: 215260

Rain is a smart and funny teen who can’t get enough spicy shrimp lo mein! It’s her favorite dish, and a perfect evening would be enjoying this meal while watching her favorite true crime shows. Her creative outlet is spending time writing or reading a good book that she can escape into. Ruby Daly, Nare Burrow, and Nanno are the characters she admires most. Rain loves chatting about topics that pique her interest, and she goes a bit gooey when she sees a Golden Retriever; she considers them her favorite in the animal kingdom. To relax and wind down, Rain prefers going on walks. She wishes she could have mind-reading as a superpower, and if she had to choose, she would easily select black as her favorite color. Physics is her current favorite subject in school.

This eleventh-grader wants to be a forensic science technician when she graduates.

Rain prefers a family with pets; however, all family types will be considered. She has significant connections to maintain following placement. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services.

For Missouri children, both home studied and non-home studied Missouri families are encouraged to inquire; only home studied families from other states should do so.