About this Kid

Ashlynn & Michael
Birth Year: Ashlynn 2012; Michael 2013
Child ID: Ashlynn 339152; Michael 339154

Meet the dynamic duo Ashlynn and Michael, who dream of being adopted together!

Ashlynn loves to show her creativity and imagination through painting and building things! Her favorite pastime is building castles and tower forts with her brother. She readily knows the winning combo of pillows to blanket ratio to make it the best fort yet. Ashlynn delights in being outside and relishes the chance to play in the water; she loves the movement provided by the gentle rocking. Also a bit of a taco connoisseur, Ashlynn loves tacos with all the fixings, minus the cheese. She does not have a preference whether they are homemade or from Taco Bell. She appreciates being included in activities and enjoys relaxing with her tablet. Ashlynn adores dogs and the color black. This fifth grader is known for being happy, loving, and nurturing, and she enjoys bonding with close adults.

Michael is a master fort builder! He enjoys building fort, especially with his sister, and loves being included in activities. He never grows tired of watching cartoons or, if the mood strikes, getting comfy and watching a favorite movie. Like many kids, Michael enjoys his electronics but also stretches his legs by jumping on the trampoline! He is a visual and active child who thinks dogs are pretty cool. Michael’s favorite thing is to hold his foster placement’s hand while moving about his day. This fourth grader uses pictures and American Sign Language to communicate his needs and is doing well in school.

Ashlynn and Michael would do best in a two-parent household where they are only children; however, their caseworker will consider all family types. We will only accept inquiries on the sibling pair, as they will be placed together. They have significant connections to maintain following placement. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services.


For Missouri children, both home studied and non-home studied Missouri families are encouraged to inquire; only home studied families from other states should do so.