About this Kid

Birth Year: 2012
Child ID: 347554

Look out, world! This talented girl is going to be a star! Tayana is a budding artist with a gallery full of songs she’s written that she enjoys performing for her friends and family. It’s easy to spot the passion in her eyes when she’s sharing what she’s currently working on. She is an aspiring singer-songwriter and artist who loves spending time with others, drawing, coloring, and dancing. Tayana also enjoys simply being together in the same room and snuggling up to her preferred adults. Those who know her well describe her as loving and caring towards others and comment on how she is often always happy; it’s no wonder Tayana makes friends easily! Her favorite foods are pizza, fries, and McDonald’s cheeseburgers. She hasn’t met a dog that she doesn’t like, and pink and purple are her favorite colors. Tayana is also interested in learning to cook and would love to be included in preparing family dinners.

This fifth grader prefers math over other subjects. She often raises her hand first to help her classmates with math problems.

Tayana would do best in a home with other children; however, her caseworker will consider all family types. Her caseworker reports that she wants a mom who can give her hugs and hold her hand when she has a tough day. Tayana has significant connections to maintain following placement. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services.

For Missouri children, both home studied and non-home studied Missouri families are encouraged to inquire; only home studied families from other states should do so.