About this Kid

Portrait of Denzel
Birth Year: 2010
Child ID: 216107

Those who know Denzel well describe him as “likable, outgoing, funny, and engaging.” He is a busy teen who enjoys almost any outdoor activity, especially sports. Whether basketball or football, if he’s playing a pickup game or watching the latest match on television, Denzel enjoys all things sports. If he’s not found playing outside, he will likely play a board game or video game while taking a break inside. He is known for being a talented gamer and a creative thinker. He is not picky regarding food, and he enjoys experimenting with cooking in the kitchen. Hamburgers will surely be on the menu when he is the chef, as those are his favorite food. Denzel gets along well with the adults in his life and loves sharing his knowledge or talking about subjects that interest him. His favorite color is blue, and he enjoys being a helper at times. Denzel dreams of being a scientist when he grows up.

It’s no surprise that this seventh grader’s favorite subjects are science and P.E.

All family types will be considered. Denzel has significant connections to maintain following placement. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services.

For Missouri children, both home studied and non-home studied Missouri families are encouraged to inquire; only home studied families from other states should do so.