About this Kid

Birth Year: 2008
Child ID: 355322

This athletic teen is a volleyball enthusiast! Olyvia will bring a volleyball and net anywhere she can and loves to play, whether competitively or just a casual pickup game. She also enjoys being outside, watching movies, or listening to her favorite rap music. If she were the chef at home, spaghetti would be on the menu as one of her favorite meals. Olyvia finds baby pigs to be the cutest animals; her favorite colors are teal and gray. On a quiet afternoon, she likes to relax by writing or crocheting. She is described as a good communicator by those who know her well. Olyvia wants to be a registered nurse when she is older.

Math and P.E. are this ninth-grader’s favorite subjects.

Olyvia has significant connections to maintain following placement. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services.

For Missouri children, both home studied and non-home studied Missouri families are encouraged to inquire; only home studied families from other states should do so.