About this Kid

Birth Year: 2009
Child ID: 342123

Look out, Broadway! This teen is a natural-born star! Shayla, who goes by “America,” loves drama and theatre. She has a talent for arts and enjoys acting and singing. Her musical ear also comes in handy while practicing the clarinet. Although she’s not particularly fond of sports, she is an avid learner, and it is a rare moment when you’ll find America without a book in her hand. She enjoys all types of books, from fantasy to learning new languages, and her favorite character is Draco Malfoy. America thinks white wolves are the prettiest animals on the planet, and her favorite color is royal blue. Shapeshifting or being able to see into the future would be her picks for a superpower, and she loves munching on some French fries for a snack. America is described as intelligent and caring by those who know her. She dreams of being a high school teacher, a travel agent, or a foster/adoptive parent when she grows up.

This ninth grader does well in school; her favorite subject is English.

America would do best in a family in which she is the youngest child; however, her caseworker will consider all family types. She will need to remain in contact with her siblings following placement. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services.


For Missouri children, both home studied and non-home studied Missouri families are encouraged to inquire; only home studied families from other states should do so.