About this Kid

Aurora and Sunset
Birth Year: Aurora 2007; Sunset 2007
Child ID: Aurora 215259; Sunset 215261

These thoughtful twins need a home they can grow up in together!

Aurora is a caring teen dedicated to what she is passionate about! She is multi-talented and enjoys singing and dancing, primarily to her favorite K-pop music. She also likes doing make-up and learns new tips and techniques from social media. Her favorite color is purple. If she had a pet cat, she might name it after her favorite character, Todoroki. Aurora also likes writing and hanging out with her friends. She imagines being able to teleport would be the best superpower. Aurora dreams of becoming a chef or an influencer with her own cooking show, in which she’d likely create many recipes using watermelon, her favorite food! Aurora is a great communicator and gets along well with adults and her peers. Now in the tenth grade, Aurora’s favorite subjects are communication and English language arts.

Sunset gets along well with adults and her peers and is described as a smart and caring teen! Elephants are her favorite animal, and, like her sister, she is attracted to the color purple. She enjoys drawing and loves the character Deku from the manga series My Hero’s Academia. Sunset loves hanging out with her friends and practicing her singing and dancing. Coming home to a bowl of spaghetti with a glass of Sprite will surely bring a smile to her face! A lover of music and dancing, she dreams of becoming an actress and attending college in the future. Sunset would love the ability to read minds as a superpower. Math is this tenth-grader’s favorite subject.

Aurora and Sunset would do best in a family residing in an urban area; however, their caseworker will consider all family types. We will only accept inquiries on the sibling pair, who will be placed together. They have significant connections to maintain following placement. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services.

For Missouri children, both home studied and non-home studied Missouri families are encouraged to inquire; only home studied families from other states should do so.