About this Kid

Malachi, Myana, and Troy
Birth Year: Malachi 2015; Myana 2011; Troy 2012
Child ID: Malachi 366142; Myana 366143; Troy 366141

This terrific trio hopes to find a family that sticks together!

Whether in the kitchen or in the salon chair, Myana has a talent for being creative! She loves cooking and is always ready to bake or volunteer to help with meal prep. She’s proud that she’s not just a baker or a cook but can do both. Myana isn’t a picky eater but prefers something sweet when she’s in charge of the menu. She also loves cosmology, specifically hair and nails, and aspires to be a cosmetologist someday. Myana has a hard time saying no to a shopping trip! Her favorite part is being creative with outfits and finding something trendy. A carefully selected outfit might often include shades of red, as that’s her favorite color. Myana gets along well with peers and describes herself as “social and direct.” Myana enjoys attending church every week. She would like to be invisible if she could choose any superpower in the world. Cows are her favorite animal, and she also enjoys afternoons spent watching SpongeBob. Myana likes sports like soccer, running, and swimming, so it’s not surprising that this sixth grader’s favorite subject is gym.

Troy is known as a “sweet-hearted person” who really enjoys creating artwork. His favorite pastimes are watching anime and playing video games, especially Roblox, and he plans on becoming a video game designer when he grows up. Troy would like to focus mainly on the design and mechanics of characters and maps. He looks forward to taking web development and design classes now that he’s in middle school. Troy thinks lions are the most incredible animals on the planet. Although he’s not a picky eater, he would enjoy having pizza for any meal if he could! Troy describes himself as “quiet and creative” and easily makes friends in familiar social settings. Be prepared for quite the debate when asking him his favorite superhero; he has a plethora of reasons for loving both Superman and Flash and has the hardest time picking between them. Troy can easily answer that he would love to have super strength if given the choice, as long as his suit is red, his favorite color. Troy is now in the sixth grade and does well with creative subjects like art.

Malachi loves all things sports. His favorites are basketball and soccer. He especially likes teaching others how to play and building camaraderie in doing so. His eyes are set on becoming a professional athlete, and he dreams of playing basketball for the Golden State Warriors. Malachi likes staying active and enjoys outside activities like bike riding, playing, or swimming. After an active day, he enjoys unwinding with Bugs Bunny and pizza. This social guy loves meeting new people and is often known for his good heart and desire to be helpful. Malachi hopes to have a pet someday, especially a dog, as that’s his favorite animal. Blue is his all-time favorite color, and he thinks it would be fun to have magic powers. Malachi describes himself as “cheerful and helpful.” This fourth grader likes gym the most and interacting with his friends at school.

Myana, Troy, and Malachi would do best in a Christian family with an opposite-sex couple with pets; however, their caseworker will consider all family types. We will only accept inquiries on the sibling group, as they will be placed together. They have significant connections to maintain following placement. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services.

For Missouri children, both home studied and non-home studied Missouri families are encouraged to inquire; only home studied families from other states should do so.