
Birth Year: 2014
Child ID: 350234
A perfect day for Malina is spent playing independently with her dolls and stuffed animals. Jumping and flipping do the trick when she needs to get her energy out! Malina dreams of doing gymnastics someday. Princess Peach is her favorite fictional character, and pink is her best-loved color. Malina will never say no to chicken nuggets, pizza, or ice cream when she gets hungry. She likes to watch cartoons when they are on and dreams about becoming a dancer when she grows up. Those who know her best describe Malina as respectful and courteous!
She is now in fifth grade.
Malina would do best in a Christian home; however, all family types will be considered. Malina has significant connections to maintain following placement. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services.
For Missouri children, both home studied and non-home studied Missouri families are encouraged to inquire; only home studied families from other states should do so.