About this Kid

Birth Year: 2012
Child ID: 217905

Jaiden is a young man with a wide variety of interests! His hobbies range from sports to playing outside to music and video games. His number one passion is football, and you will never meet a bigger Kansas City Chiefs fan! He has also participated in karate and wouldn’t mind trying it again. Jaiden likes playing outside with Nerf toys or riding bikes with his friends. He prefers Takis as his favorite snack, but he wouldn’t turn down a McDonald’s cheeseburger and fries when given the chance. Like Peter Parker, he dreams of slinging webs and soaring through the city. Heroes like Spider-Man, Thor, and Hulk are his most admired characters. Those who Jaiden best describe him as funny and kind.

As a sixth grader, his favorite subjects are science and math.

Jaiden would do best in a family in an urban area, with pets in the home, where he is the youngest child; however, all family types will be considered. He notes that he would prefer a two-parent African American household. Jaiden has significant connections to maintain following placement. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services.

For Missouri children, both home studied and non-home studied Missouri families are encouraged to inquire; only home studied families from other states should do so.